Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Only Kale Can Save Us Now

Ok, so I chuckled too the first time I saw this t-shirt. But only because I relate to the sentiment so sincerely. And yes, I own the t-shirt, and it's awesome. Check it out at Herbivore Clothing Company.

Herbivore Clothing Company
If you haven't discovered kale then it's high time you did. Until about 3 months ago I could count the number of times I'd eaten kale on one hand. These days I eat it or juice it, or both, every single day. You see, kale is a power food, and mama needs her power foods.

You've heard of power foods, right? You read about them in the news. You see them on Dr Oz. But are you eating them? Power foods, like kale, contain multiple disease-fighting nutrients. Kale is rich in anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, is low in calories, contains protein and omega 3 oils, and has detoxifying properties. It's pretty much a perfect food. Licionato, or "Dinosaur" Kale (shown below), is my personal fave. Licionato is a bit sweeter and keeps longer then other types of kale but all are worth trying. I juice kale every day, I bake it into chips (recipe below), I toss it into my salads, cook it into my soups and sauces, and roll it around herbed quinoa for an amped up version of lettuce rolls.

Licionato, or "Dinosaur" Kale

How to buy, store and use kale
Look for kale that is stored on ice or in the cool-mist section of the produce section, room-temperature storage causes kale to become stronger and more bitter in flavor. You want crisp, brightly colored leaves with no wilting or discoloration. Store your kale in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator and don't wash until you're to use. You can also freeze kale leaves, just lay the leaves out on a baking sheet in a single layer until frozen then transfer to a ziplock bag, pressing out all the air. Kale tends to be dirty and sometimes buggy so wash it thoroughly in lots of water. You can soak the leaves in the sink, giving them a shake and repeating until they're clean, but I prefer to wash each leaf individually under running water. Kale can be eaten raw, baked, sauteed or steamed.

Baked Kale Chips
1 bunch kale, washed and dried
1 teaspoon olive oil
salt & pepper to taste
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees 
  2. Remove the center ribs and tear leaves into bite sized pieces
  3. Toss the leaves in a bowl with the olive oil, salt and pepper
  4. Spread the leaves on a baking sheet and bake 10 minutes
  5. Shake the pan to move leaves around and bake until crisp, 5-10 minutes more

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