Monday, August 29, 2011

Toxic? I'm not toxic!

Well yes, actually, I am, and so are you. Sorry, but it's true. Toxicity is a natural product of living, breathing and eating. We take in toxins all day every day from the foods we eat, the air we breath and the water we drink. Our bodies have a built in detox system that eliminates toxins naturally, it's not something we have to think about or work at. Unfortunately, our modern lives expose us to much more toxicity than most of our bodies can handle. And to make matters worse, many of us have "elimination systems" that are functioning far below the optimal level.

Our bodies eliminate toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and skin, or to be really blunt, through sweat, urine and poop. If your body does not eliminate efficiently you can develop a whole mess of health problems that range from mild (constipation and allergies) to life-threatening (cancer and autoimmunity).

So how do we help our bodies? Below are suggestions based on my own detox program for rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Breath deeply. Most of us breath inefficiently, focusing on the inhale rather than the exhale. It's the exhale that eliminates carbon dioxide. Yoga is a great way to learn to breath more deeply and efficiently, but you can practice better breathing anywhere, anytime. Simply direct your attention to your breath and slow it down a bit, then focus on exhaling for at least as long as you inhale, giving a little "push" at the end of your exhale. Do this for about 8 breaths.
  • Sweat. Without a doubt the most efficient way to sweat out toxins is by taking infrared saunas. I take saunas three times a week for 30 minutes at a time. I was sure I would hate this, after all, I practically melt every summer in Texas, but I have come to actually crave my saunas for the immediate benefits I feel. Exercise is another great way to eliminate toxins through sweat. Make sure you drink lots of water before, during and after a sauna so as not to become dehydrated.
  • Eat clean. Consume plenty of fiber-rich veggies, fruits and whole grains, and drink at least 2 quarts of filtered water daily. If you're not poopin' every day you're not eliminating enough toxins. If you have constipation consider drinking aloe juice in the morning and at night. Try George's Aloe Juice, it tastes like water, 1/2 cup morning and night.
  • Juice. And I mean that as a verb not a noun. Make juicing part of your daily routine, or go on a 2-3 day juice fast for more intense results. I juice every day, usually in the morning on an empty stomach, but an afternoon juice is a great pick-me-up too. A good juicer can be had for under $200 (check out I have a Breville juicer that I love (pic below). My morning juice blend is detailed below.
  • Don't mess with your liver! The largest organ in your body carries out many functions critical for health, one of which is metabolizing toxins. At the onset of my RA symptoms I was shocked to be told by both my acupuncturist and my rheumatologist that my liver function was off. To get my liver back on top of its game I follow an anti-inflammatory diet (Dr Weil offers great guidance on this subject), I avoid caffeine and alcohol, I drink plenty of water and green tea, I take saunas, I avoid all drugs including over the counter meds, and I take a number of supplements and Chinese herbs.

My "B-A-C-K to Health" Juice Blend
The exact measurements here are not important, so adjust for your taste or what you have on hand. The ginger and turmeric are optional, I add them for my RA, but they do add a nice punch of flavor to balance out the sweetness of the beets. Buy organic whenever possible, especially the kale since you can't peel it. If your carrots, apples and beets are not organic then peel them before juicing.

2 red or golden Beets
2 green Apples
6 Carrots
6 Kale leaves
2 inch segment of fresh ginger root, peeled (optional)
2 inch segment of fresh turmeric root, peeled (optional)

other optional add ins: basil, cucumber, lemon or lime, romaine lettuce

Juice all ingredients and drink immediately. Get ready to feel the rush!


  1. Thanks Catherine! I am on a similar quest to get back on track. I am lovin' your new blog! ~Tracy

  2. Thanks Tracy, I appreciate the feedback! Good luck, it's worth every ounce of effort!
