Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pain, Pain, Go Away...

In spite of my best efforts to work my natural healing program, from time to time my rheumatoid arthritis pain creeps back in. It's subtle, and definitely not the intense pain I experienced in the months before I started my program, but it's there, and it's annoying, and it slows me down. Inevitably it's the result of overwork, of stupid long hours working in the kitchen. I can always see it coming, I know the weeks that it's likely to hit me, the weeks with a schedule of big, heavy, sculpted cakes, or 7 tier wedding cakes, or orders of 2000 cupcakes, or all of thee above. It's the weeks with an all-nighter. Or two. Yes, sometimes, even though I know better, I just overdo it. After all, I am self-employed, and the work has to be done.

The reason I'm sore this week- 30 hours of hands-on work went into this retirement cake for an XTO Energy employee. Oh yeah, and there was that 5 tier wedding cake too!

The first joints affected are my wrists and fingers, then my elbows and knees. But the first sign of trouble is always in my sinuses. Sinus pain and inflammation is my early warning system. Yeah, I know, that seems weird and unrelated to rheumatoid arthritis, but inflammation is inflammation, I guess, and whenever my joints are hurting so are my sinuses. So, what's a medication-free girl to do?

To ease the pain in my joints I take long, hot baths, drink extra turmeric tea, take infrared saunas, rest, do extra breath work, and eat lots of omega 3 rich foods like salmon, walnuts and flax seeds. Additionally, for my sinuses, I inhale herbal steam (see below), take nettles and bromelain and use saline nasal spray. I also take a close look at my diet to make sure I haven't inadvertently allowed in any trigger foods. Most of the time I'll notice an improvement in my discomfort within two days and a total recovery in 4-5, but on occasion, when I REALLY overdo it, it can take a week or more to feel fully well again. In the meantime, I slow down a bit, and take stock of my many blessings. Sometimes the very best medicine is gratitude.

What you need for the steam

Herbal Steam

Stock pot of water
3-5 drops eucalyptus oil
3-5 drops tea tree oil
large towel

Bring the pot of water to a boil over high heat then remove from the heat. Add the oils. Place a large towel over your head to create a "tent" and lean over the pot (careful, the steam can be very hot). Inhale the steam for several minutes. You can control the heat by lifting or lowering your head and opening the towel to allow some of the heat out. Do this several times a day to open sinus passages, decrease inflammation, and reduce mucus. Follow the steam with saline nasal spray or neti pot.

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